11/14/2008 An Arthurian style romance published in 1992 that forcasted the second war of Iraq, George Bush Jr., the battle in Afghanistan and his 'swarthy-skinned' successor.


Romance of Anaïs
By Mel West

Including the history of the rare elixer derived from the horn of the Unicorn,
as remembered by the West Family of Somersett and their estate of Lady Elizabethe la filroy de Poitiers

Chapter 8

How Sir Boors was anointed for war with Babylon &
why the starving masses continued to starve

Most people in Quakin-Bush had no feeling for what was happening to their country. The starving masses inside their city and without made little impact upon them, as they were oblivious to those standards of human decency so well treasured in former generations. It is shocking but true: there was no man who stood up and defended the poor! They ought to have known better, as they were after all sons of Brutus, that noble Trojan Prince and son of Priam. They knew what it was like to be strangers on a foreign shore; to be taken captive, and they knew what it was like to endure the hardships of drought and pestilence which had driven them from Lydia, after the Trojan War, so many generations earlier (about 1200 B.C.). Seeing the beggars and the homeless both inside and outside their city, the gross corruption of their leaders and their merchants, one might ask what it would take to show them what they had been doing both to themselves and their heirs.

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For they were not only afflicting other peoples and their properties but also the next generation. The years of King George of Quakin-Bush were unconscionable, but justice waits its day: all of them would soon pray that they had not lived, they were so evil!

The Angels of Heaven argued much over this situation, as there were some soft-hearted people in Quakin-Bush, but their works were being smothered under the excesses of their neighbors. Were not these works the same as in Rome? Nero persecuted the Christians and on a lark burned the city of Rome (blaming the Christians for the baneful deed)! This was but one link in his chain of contempt: he went into the streets at night, dressed as a street ruffian with his friends, and rolled innocent victims, beating them and stealing their purses. Then, as now in Quakin-Bush, the patricians government officials and business leaders could roll innocent victims with impunity. But notice what happens in such a situation: the contempt the leaders had which prompted the robberies intensified. With it not being sufficient to merely hassle and rob innocent people on the streets, Nero and his hoodlum friends were always being tested by the need to commit a greater crime!

The Romans at the time were used to violence, as it was their principal amusement in the coliseum. Murder was their greatest intrigue, and more often than not the best seats in the coliseum were booked several weeks in advance when Christians and other unfortunate victims had been rounded up to be fed to the beasts, fried in pans, or burned in an iron seat called the Hot Seat; dismembered, limb by limb over several days, or simply burned at the stake. No people--except the people of Quakin-Bush  enjoyed murder more than the people of Nero's and Caligula's Rome. It was no surprise to see Nero and his hoodlums conclude that the only suitable scam which might impress Rome would be the sacking of Rome itself by its own emperor! Even then, many of his friends argued that the Romans had so much contempt for life the sacking of their own city would probably not alarm them. "Well, if they don't protest the fire," they all agreed, "we'll burn it again!" In like manner rueful King George, before his fall, had the same idea!

The Romans were lawful people and respected the rights of all citizens, except those who might have fallen from grace, as it were, upon whom the gods no longer smiled. We speak of those citizens whose home and property had been robbed from them by either Nero himself or his lackeys and patrons. Many people crucified on the Appian Way leading to Rome, or presented to the beasts in the Coliseum, once were property owners, merchants, husbandmen, nobles and even princes. Many were prisoners and serfs slaves  captured in the military campaigns of the empire. There were many who were sent to the beasts because they resisted Nero's whims. Any attempt for conscience and human decency to root in those days Nero quickly uprooted!

As in those days, so was it in the days of King George, but in George's unholy day the matter was worse because the contempt for the masses was perhaps worse, as evidenced in the terrible numbers of the impoverished masses.

We left King George after his fall in the Cave of the Harpies, with many of his loyal and faithful servants peering down at him from the cave's gaping mouth high above. When he looked up he could see many faces peering over the edge and knew that he must be in hell. He was in hell, truly, and he was the one who created that part of it!

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After many discussions, many meetings of high paid officials who earned more from graft than they could through simple corruption, all concluded that there was little that could be done for Hateful King George, who now wallowed in the dung of the Harpies whom he ought not to have fed. He was an old man and all concluded that by the time they figured out a way of raising him out of his cave without infecting themselves with the same filth and lice from the dung already covering King George's body King George would be dead.

King George's hunger was assuaged when people began throwing left-over popcorn and peanuts down to him. Among his followers there were truly no friends. How could there be? They all secured their close relationship with King George through corruption. He made thieves out of them, and in his final need they behaved as thieves. Suddenly they forgot about their King and began to concentrate on how power would be divided up in the kingdom. Because of their experience under King George they all knew their extortions would be met with impunity. They all agreed, as before, that there should be no accountability traceable to any one of them, as it was in the days of King George. After all, there had to be some honor among thieves, so they agreed that no one of them should ever offer any information that might incriminate the others in any crime. "Mum's the word," was the password of the leader's of Quakin-Bush.

How Sir Boors Gained Power

Among those who descended like vultures to divide up the estate of King George was Sir Boors, whose bottom canines reached above his lower lip when he became confused.

He had worked independently, but through King George's Prime Minister Gory Vitellus, to restore the Dolorous Tower where he had held the fair Princess Anaïs captive. Although he had left several horrible beasts to guard the perimeter of the tower, when Sir Nascien and Sir Caldemoor arrived there the beasts were gone. They had smelled the death coming from the captives outside the walls of the city of Quakin-Bush and now were sitting on their haunches nervously watching the suffering with the Harpies above them on the walls.

Now in this scene it is difficult to differentiate between the beasts at the base or top of the walls, and the citizens inside the city who were buying and selling, watching the Harpies around them! Nevertheless, as the poor desperately began to invade the city in greater numbers with King George's fall, the citizens became ever the more disturbed over the disruption of business. One could not buy or sell without stepping over one of those unfortunate, foul smelling, unwashed, souls on the street (they couldn't wash because all the fountains were shut off!)! Before, under King George's ruffian, Sheriff Joerthan, the beggars were rounded up and thrown in prison, then, failing this expediency, because of the sheer numbers of the beggars, they began throwing them to the Harpies where King George now remains. But this also seemed to be fruitless, since the flood of the poor was so great. For instance, with the dungeons being filled with the poor, many do-gooders in the city decided to open feeding stations and shelters, hoping to feed them and send them on their way to another city. Under the advise of the Heretics, the shelters were placed next to the walls where the Harpies roosted. Disease and all kinds of foul things sloughed off the wings of the Harpies into the shelters, and because of this the wandering sickly became ever the more rampant!

Because of the sloughing off of the diseases, the itches, and the filth from the black, white-tipped wings of the Harpies upon the walls, many people in the city began to move to the City Center, and, bringing the filth there, started to vacate the city altogether, carrying the infection to other cities in the kingdom of Quakin-Bush. Pushed on, the people flew into neighboring kingdoms, their plagues, their diseases and their itches with them.

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Now Sir Boors was not a bright man, but he was not a stupid man either. He had a university education and had gone to the best of the Heretic schools. He believed, as all Heretics then believed as it was nearing the millennium and all believed the end of the world would soon come that one must grab what one can to survive. As King George had preached before, "This was a day when it was every man for himself." Although Boors was not a good speaker, because his lower canines tended to slur his speech when he got confused (his usual state of mind), he was an idea man and quite creative. He could sell anything. He sold Gory Vitellus on the idea of using the pure white lamelablanche stones from the mountain of the Cave of the Harpies to restore the Dolorous Tower, for instance, which was an entirely worthless enterprise. Because it was wasteful and could do no harm to George's extortions, the funds needed to restore the tower were quickly approved. Many who knew of the project thought that it might be a lucrative tourist attraction since Sir Lancelot was once held captive there.

The stones used to restore the tower were needed by Gory Vitellus in building the perfectly white castle called La Tajma Halle to King George's glory. It was raised in the sky by children flying upon eagles; and when one of the first stones was launched up to the children, who cried for those below to quickly send up the stones because the eagles were tiring, there was an explosion from the stone returning to the ridge where King George stood. A small chip from the corner of the stone hit King George in the nape of the neck, causing him to tumble down the bridge into his frightening Cave of the Harpies.

Seeing his stones being stolen, the half pig man Sir Boors stole instantly to the mountain to stop the theft. There he and his men encountered Gory Vitellus who now sat ashamed wondering how he might get their stinking leader out of the pit and save their tyranny. Yes, he and his cohorts had agreed to divide the kingdom amongst themselves, but you and I know and Gory Vitellus who knew of no standards of righteousness except those which were conventional, changing with the whims of thieves knew that unless King George were rescued from the dire pit there could be a blood-bath. For all those contending for his throne were no less trustworthy than King George himself; and no man knew more than Gory Vitellus that King George was the best (least evil among the evil) to keep the kingdom together. King George himself acknowledged this on several occasions. So it was not loyalty that caused Gory Vitellus to daily sit by his leader, but it was for the sake of the conspiracy and survival of unrighteousness. Vitellus was well respected in the kingdom, for he had become an expert on all things and was best known for his detailed commentaries on things he never read, from which righteousness was defined in the kingdom.

The idea man, Sir Boors (he knighted himself the moment he heard of King George's fall, knowing there would be no one who could question it), came to Gory Vitellus' rescue. Sir Boors reminded the minister that there was a war on against the King of Babylon, and that he would do well to hype the war and send troops back to the Kingdom of Cuellete. This would divert the creditor kings' most of the kings of Europe attention from the state of Quakin-Bush. King George was the greatest debtor in the world and the kings the greatest among them being a group called the Six Kings of Pansnance were fully controlled by George by virtue of his indebtedness to them. The poverty in the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush, the conspiracies, and all the corruption of King George and his fall would be better served if the kings' attention focused on Nebuchednezzar II, King of Babylon. Sir Boors suggested that the Prelates of the Heretics could facilitate the dissemination of propaganda on their behalf, emphasizing the divine mission King George had in destroying Nebuchednezzar II, as well as assisting in the various extortions in which they already were involved.

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"The Heretics can be extremely useful," cried Sir Boors, as he kneeled in fealty to Minister Gory Vetellus. The Minister patted his hand upon the pleading knight's head and consented, adding, "Then you sir, because of your expertise in building high towers, will lead the mission against Nebuchednezzar II to assure that the mission does not fail. If it fails you will be thrown into the Cave of the Harpies!"

He gave his signet ring to Sir Boors to enable him to procure all the support needed for the enterprise, to serve even as a visa into the inner sanctums of the Kings of Pansnance; and the frightened knight, Sir Boors, took a last look over the edge of the pit at his king and mounted his charger. He had drawn a sickly, sway-backed nag out of the King's stables and dressed it in yellowed white samite fabrics and moldy halters to match his pallid coat. The mangy horse had been infected with the itches and diseases from the Harpies, together with all the other king's horses, because the stables also were below where the Harpies roosted. Soon Sir Boors was following in the same tracks left by the powerful red hooves of Sir Nascien's black horse, Gryngolet, with the red ears, only a few days before. Sir Boors' armor and colors matched his horse. When he set off from the city of Quakin-Bush there was a terrible earth-quake and flash in the night sky; the people thought they saw the sun it was so bright.

What Happened to the Starving Poor

There is a sad, sad mystery in this tale of despair which now must turn to the poor. The world was raptured in Nebuchednezzar II and the violence which had been earlier done to Babylon. With eager anticipation, as vultures fidgeting on a scarred and dead branch in the trees, everyone began to watch Babylon and the desolation yet to come. The starving poor of Quakin-Bush, the corruption and the daily lies, were now all ignored by the people of Quakin-Bush. Even the poor had their attention turned away from themselves, speculating themselves when the wrath of the Heretic god Antijude, in the name of King George, would descend upon Nebuchednezzar II. All believed that Nebuchednezzar II and his people were godless and deserved to be destroyed by the faithful Seven Kings of Pansnance, the leader of whom was Frightful and now Pallid King George.

Sir Gwain, the Old Man in the Cave of the Unicorns, was well ordained in this situation. He had been created in the Holy Scriptures to intercede but was prevented from going into the streets or raising himself up, an unusual mission to say the least. He saw that the captives and the poor had been so depressed by the unfeeling regime and people of Quakin-Bush, the poor, themselves, could not be persuaded that they had any rights at all! They simply were as if they were dead, surprising as it may seem! This all washes from the old worship of violence inherited from Rome. The gods of violence premier among them being the air god Antijude, whose place was even above the god Mars depended upon persuading those who are oppressed to accept the oppression without resistance. Key to this were the teachings of the Heretics who convinced the poor that they deserved their lot because of their past sins. This comes from their system of judgment which was based upon fire and water. "Guilt and innocence was determined not by the witness of men but by the god Antijude," they maintained. First a victim would be put in hot boiling water and if he or she survives it, then tied to a seat and branded with a hot iron. If the victims survive these two trials, they are believed to have been forgiven their sins by the god Antijude. Their standard of this trial was the Jews who rarely survived the fire and water. The Jews, according to the Heretics, were the symbol of that thing which god hates most, and anyone who falls into the same state [of impoverishment] as the Jews is obviously equally hated by the god Antijude. At the core of this belief is the idea that the Heretics and their followers are Chosen People. Upon them would be showered the prosperity of the earth: all the gold, silver, and earthly treasures one could amass.

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The idea here is that Antijude would come in the air to judge the earth, snatch the Chosen People up to Heaven, all their treasures with them, and burn everything else. It was important in their theology to get what you could on earth while the getting was good; and since everything would be destroyed in the fire from heaven, any dressing and keeping of the earth, as in Adam's day, would be a complete waste of time. Reminding the Heretics of Adam's Charter in Genesis 2.15 or Revelation's Curse in verse 11.18 – against those desolating the earth--was even a greater waste of time to Sir Gwain, as they already scoffed at Deuteronomy 30.7; failing this they could respect nothing!

Working among the poor were many ministers of the Heretics who were handing out miscellanies to make the poor repent of their sins before the god Antijude arrived and all is consumed in the fire. He who begged for food most, got handbills stuffed in his mouth.

It was a duty of the Heretics to minister to the poor. A few, being exposed to sufferings in this ministry, did take pity on the poor and fed them through a few shelters. But there were many phony shelters set up by the Heretics as a means of gaining donations for the poor, whose funds were diverted to the the wealthy Heretic Prelates who wore gilded, double brocade robes and much gold and silver jewelry. Too often the huge gifts of charity for the poor went not to the poor but to the high life-style and habits of the Heretic Ministry, which, as said, needed the poor to stay poor. After all, it there were no poor, the Heretics would be out of business, left with no cause by which they could raise funds to pay for their palaces, etc. For these reasons the poor could not be offered jobs, etc.

Sir Gwain, having mingled with the poor sufficiently in bringing them from their captivity, knew that many things must yet happen before the poor can gain back the souls stolen from them by the Heretics. He passed among them some of Merlin's small books from the Cave of the Unicorns to see if they could be motivated from their state of despair, but they failed to respond in any way, much unlike those charging up Beacon Hill in Boston or the French peasants charging the Bastile in Paris. The motive the sense of human dignity and simple human rights in the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush was not yet there to bring forth such a charge.

Ignorant of the poor, the citizens who had not fallen into poverty or caught the diseases, were far too busy cashing in on the corruption of King George's government. Corruption feeds upon corruption like the Harpies who feed on the dead and to Sir Gwain the people of Quakin-Bush, their captives and their poor, were dead. There was no spark of life in any of them. The appalling, mounting numbers of victims starving on the streets illustrated this. Sir Gwain had seen a similar phenomena when Jerusalem was burned by Titus, the son of Emperor Vespasian in 70 A.D. The chronicles showed over 1.2 million people dying inside Jerusalem during that siege! Then it was every man for himself, and brother was turned against brother, daughter against mother and even there was a lady who was found eating the very child she had suckled at her breast! What did she do when partisans broke through her door to steal food from her? She offered them half of her charred infant!

This is what the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush was like when Sir Gwain brought King George's captives to the walls of Quakin-Bush.

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We of a later age can look back on the atrocities of King George and his people and are appalled at the phenomena that so many poor were cast out into the streets--as the dead blocking the streets of Jerusalem in Titus's day. We can wonder how a people could have allowed this to happen, to be corralled, then divided and then spoiled. This can be explained just by the example of Jerusalem. First, seeing imminent desolation, the power-hungry began fighting to divide the gold and silver in the temple and the palaces; then they fought over the food, and finally, in the end, were exchanging their stolen gold bracelets, candlesticks and spoons for a sheave of straw! As with Jerusalem, we say, so with the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush. On one side, as in Jerusalem, The Kingdom of Quakin-Bush saw imminent desolation, and on the other side they worshipped opportunism, that only the powerful will divide the spoils. They believed that those who fall in the struggle deserve no help, as in the cases of Rome and in Jerusalem previously cited. For these reasons, we say, the people of Quakin-Bush could daily endure the mounting hordes of the poor in their midst without feeling in any way the cause to satisfy the afflictions of the poor. There was no standard of righteousness, no man defending the poor: there was only the scuffle, the hurrying, pounding feet of citizens cashing in on their fair share of King George's promises while there was still time. Doomsday the millennium was near, and most of them were watching for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Recognizing that the people of those times might respond to the horsemen better than the simple advocacy to defend the poor, Sir Gwain focused now upon sending forth the horsemen, among whom Sir Nascien was the first.

Those who were being persecuted in those days compared their persecution to the time of the Nazis. We cannot compare this time exactly to the days of the Nazis, for the Nazis were looking ahead to enslave the world; the people of Quakin-Bush, on the other hand, were looking for the end of the world.

As again for the poor, there was then little that could be done until the spark of life returned to them. In time it would come, when they had discovered they had been robbed and begun to feel violated, as a women who had been raped in the city and no one responded to her voice!

The children of this spiteful era soon felt these emotions, however. They were so overwrought by the robbery many of them began to throw rocks and even ransack the tombs of their own parents! For many of the children of Quakin-Bush there was nothing they could do to show their parents who were now dead with their King George their disgust at the disinheritance.

Many of the people of Quakin-Bush praised Rude King George for the nine years of peace they had enjoyed under him in the Kingdom. Taking advantage of this, King George justified his mission against King Nebuchednezzar II which, as we noted, ended up in a bloody massacre of over two hundred thousand people in the desert of Babylon. Still this did not assuage King George's thirst, and in pursuing the war with Nebuchednezzar II, a strong propaganda campaign to encourage the people of the Kingdom to die for their king (without either faith or law!) was touted. They alleged that King George was chosen by God to destroy Nebuchednezzar II! These were the things which led up to the war. The war was important, from Gory Vitellus's point of view, so that George's popularity would be restored. Now the fate of the kingdom of Quakin-Bush depended upon the success of Sir Boors and they needed a strong sign of success.

As noted, when Sir Boors and his men rode out of the city there was an earthquake and the perfectly white lamelablanche stones which were neatly stacked atop the ridge and entrance to the Cave of the Harpies tumbled down the Bridge of Sorrows and plugged up the cave's gaping mouth. With the cave being sealed the Harpies were free to roam, disease was rampant, poverty was on the increase, and Silent King George was incommunicado! What worse could befall the negligent Kingdom of Quakin-Bush? A military disaster? We shall pursue this adventure in our next topic, as we follow Sir Nascien to the Kingdom of Zazamac.

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Chapter 9

How Sir boors met the Rolled Monk, Ogmios, &
was trampled under in the battle of Yuri-rita of Constantinople

It was prophesied that Contemptuous King George of Quakin-Bush would be sealed in his own abyss of corruption and from it would be created a great schism in the land. Here is part of that oracle:

Les fortresses des assiegés serrés,
Par poudre à feu profondés en abisme:
Les proditeurs seront tous vifs serrés
Onc aux sacristes n'advint si piteux scisme.

This translates essentially into the idea that the besieged traitor was shut up in the depths and entombed alive; never did such a pitiful schism happen to the Sextons (Heretic prelates).

The entire kingdom of Quakin-Bush was dependent upon the graft and corruption patronized by Arrogant King George. With him now for the time being out of the way in the depths of the Cave of the Heretics, sitting sorrowfully with Harpy dung all over him, his patrons began to fight over the division of power in his absence. At the end of this debacle were the Heretic Prelates who depended upon King George's blind benevolence, allowing the Heretics to murder, maim and generally torment all people who did not bow down to their bigoted god named Antijude. This god hated everything and everyone whom the gods did not smile upon. First among the hated were the Jews, the Blacks, natives of conquered lands, etc. Their theology in essence followed the idea that anyone who fell into captivity or was beaten deserved it. This follows the idea that the god Antijude punishes people for their past sins. Only those who believed in the air god Antijude would be saved, etc. It is through this system of beliefs which Rueful King George was able to exercise his persecutions of the poor, the maimed, and the homeless and extort those who had property and title in the kingdom and we must note! other kingdoms. For King George was so obnoxious he stopped at nothing and was quite willing to extort other kings as well as his own peasants. Through his lies and extortions he became the world's greatest debtor, so everyone had become smothered, right or wrong, in his corruption.

Nothing symbolized his corruption more than the Cave of the Harpies. The Harpies were beasts whose bodies were like men but had heads like locusts, whose black, white-tipped wings carried every disease, lice and itch known to man. The Harpy guano at the bottom of the cave, where King George had been accidentally catapulted, carried all these vile things; now there was no one who was willing to rescue the king, fearing infection from his vile covering.

The Monastery of the Heretics next to the Cave of the Harpies had been a place where, under the auspices and support of King George, the Heretic Prelates fed captives, slaves and the poor to the Harpies. The Harpies fed only on the dead, so those who were slid into the pit would be allowed to starve; when the last breath left the emaciated body of a victim the Harpies suddenly pounced and spread their black, white-tipped wings over it.

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The Chief Minister of State, Gory Vitellus, who knew quite a bit about a lot of things and was known for his detailed and complete commentaries on things he never read, needed King George to continue the conspiracy. He needed the King, since King George had started a war against the King of Babylon, and all agreed that the acceleration of the war would cause the kings of Europe to be distracted from the severe problems within the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush. Recognizing this unusual dependency, Sir Boors came forward with a plan to heighten the war against the King of Babylon, Nebuchednezzar II, who believed that he was Nebuchednezzar I resurrected and anointed to collect on the promise made to Nebuchednezzar I in Daniel 4.34 which said:

Daniel 4.34 At the End of Days I Nebuchednezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and my understanding returned to me..
4.35 All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and God doeth according to his will in the army of heaven... and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
4.36 At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honor and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added to me.
4.37 Now I Nebuchednezzar praise and extol and honor the King of Heaven, all whose works are truth..

On this basis Nebuchednezzar II, who controlled the spice trade so necessary to Europe, decided to launch a war, called al Jihad, to establish his promised kingdom of the Last Days the millennium approached mentioned above. At that time Islam had taken root in Babylon. Under the power of the Koran which endorsed fully the Jewish Scriptures, Nebuchednezzar struggled for supremacy; and in his first act among many international offences he invaded the tiny, defenseless Kingdom of Cuellete which formally was owned by Nebuchednezzar I. King George and the other Seven Kings of Pansnance responded with a war which resulted in the sudden death it was a massacre of two hundred thousand Babylonians!

On the other side of this history was Sir Nascien the Grail Prince riding to the King of Zazamac to get that king to intercede with Nebuchednezzar II, to show him some errors in his judgment but moreover how he had been set up by the Seven Conspiring Kings of Pansnance and his nation about to be leveled! Sir Nascien was a swarthy lad who had been raised in the court of Hijjaz, born of the seed of the King of Anjou and his former lover, Belcane, the beautiful, swarthy Queen of Zazamac. Needless to say, by birthright the Green Knight, Sir Nascien, had all the necessary connections to mitigate this terrible war if his black, red hoofed war horse, Gryngolet, with the red ears, could arrive in time to avert the war. With him was his Paladin, Sir Caldemoor, riding on a red horse with red armor from Sir Parzival, the past Grail King who died at the venerable age of 121 years, one year older than Moses himself!

Behind them rode Sir Boors, whose lower canines rose above his bottom lip when he was confused; and his armor and horse were pale in color because it had been stabled next to the walls where the diseased Harpies now roosted in the City of Quakin-Bush. The Harpies had escaped from their prison in the Cave of the Harpies when Sir Boors' men quarried the highly treasured, pure white lamelablanche stones for his Dolorous Tower, the prison which held Princess Anaïs and Sir Lancelot, from the cave's cliff face. He sold Minister Vitellus the idea that King George le Cafard's conspiracy could be saved were he outfitted to stir up the war with Nebuchednezzar II. Agreeing to Sir Boors' plan the minister gave him a special insignia ring and sent him off after Sir Nascien, whose steed need we say? was more fit and faster.

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The nags of Sir Boors' troops were sickly and emaciated due to the filth from the Harpies above their stalls, so Sir Boors' troop of crusaders anointed to destroy Babylon had to stop their wheezy, pallid mounts from time to time and often sought refuge in the first monastery in their path; many of which were run by the Heretics. Crossing the British channel from Cornwall's Mouse Hole, they landed in Nantes and took refuge in a dilapidated monastery with twenty-five Heretic Prelates, all dressed in black, gilded, double brocade robes. At dinner there were no servants an unusual situation so the small troop was attended by the exceedingly begrudging Prelates, who were hoping for some kind of huge gift from King George for their hospitality. They did not know then of King George's fall and no doubt would have kicked the small troop out of their precinct had they known he was, as it were, en caché.

At dinner there was a travelling Monk of the Scroll. Prelate Willifrigt, of the Midi, had died and the Monk of the Scroll was travelling from one end of the [deceased] Roman Empire to the other to advertise his death. The monk's name was Ogmei of Ocoui, so it seemed, but his diction was often confusing and the guests were not really sure where his kingdom of origen or monastery was located. He was always mixing up his "oc's"(Latin hoc) and his "oui's" (Latin hoc illud) and it was difficult to determine whether he was saying "aye"or "nay". Being Saxonish, as were the chiefs of King George who had been raping the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush, Sir Boors' knowledge of the French tongue was rough, but Ogmei's Languedoc speech was nearly incomprehensible. Were it not for the interpretations of the twenty-five enlightened but argumentative Heretic Prelates, Boors' encounter might have been less confusing!

Ogmei carried on his back a huge scroll which was then about a span thick (the width of one's spread hand) and a rod long (about a meter), still growing and beginning to scrape the ground as he walked bowed under the Scroll's weight on his back. As he visited a monastery, thoughtful quips and helpful ditties in honor of the dead Prelate were added to the scroll, making it ever larger. The troops amused themselves at the board (dining table) with the reading of the scroll. One witty saying from a convent was on this order: 

All Abbots deserve to die
Who order subject nuns to lie
In dire distress and lonely bed
Only for giving love its head.
I speak who know, for I've been fed,
For loving, long on stony bread.

One can tell that this little ditty did not come from a Heretic Monastery, since the Heretic's were not devoted to poverty, in the memory of and in their love for Antijude, and were, on the contrary, known for their lavish life-style, using donations to the poor to support their palaces, servants, horses and Reubenesque multi-colored thirty groom carriages, etc.

Sir Boors was astonished to find the Heretic Monastery so impoverished. But having gotten what he could from them, realizing they had not heard of King George's fall, he gave them an I.O.U. donation which, if honored, would have been the first writ King George ever honored.`

The stammering, voyager monk (he was exceedingly frightened of the boar-like Sir Boors) could be useful to Sir Boors, since he had looped first through Southern France, Switzerland, Bohemia and as far as Romania. Sir Boors realized that the Scroll on the Monk's back might contain intelligence information, as Sir Boors would be retracing the monk's route all the way to Byzanteum and Babylon.

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Imagine the poor monk's alarm when he heard Sir Boors order his men to bring him and his scroll with them! After much protest from the Abbot of the monastery, Sir Boors agreed to not harm the monk provided the Heretics offer five prelates in ransom to accompany them to Byzantium. Two days later, with nearly all of the provisions of the poor Heretic Monastery packed upon their sway-backed nags, Sir Boors' twenty-five Crusaders with their five Prelates on mules, and the monk Ogmios on an ass, set off for Byzantium by way of Pointiers, Chateauroux, Thiers, and Geneva.

When they reached Mount Thiers, Sir Boors saw the castle on the next ridge in complete ruins and the Monastery nearby in a heap. They met some Heretic prelates there on the way and learned the truth of this calamity. Sir Nascien had passed through and the people in the village saw reflecting from the mirror-like Shield of Aravat the truth, how they had been had by the Heretics who fed on bigotry and death and not life. When offerings were taken for the poor, instead of silver pennies the people in the village threw stones into the heretics' baskets. From this came many ditty's on the scroll as we reviewed above, "how one cannot survive on stones alone."

Seeking more intelligence on the matter, Sir Boors had the scroll of Abbot Willifrigt's epitaphs unrolled on the half-roofed castle floor. There was there a pattern of desolation on Sir Nascien's route! Exactly on the course leading directly from Pont "A" at Tours to Pont "D" at Villafrançia on Sir Boors' Cors de Malchance map, from even Brig to Constantinople, there was a chain of ruined Heretic monasteries. The Languedocs of the Midi, it turns out, had been waving messages from one village to another, how Sir Nascien had exposed King George's and his Heretics' Scandals. Where silver pennies once filled the offering baskets of the Heretic Monasteries tiny pebbles and now large stones began taking their place. Since Sir Boors' growing troop of Crusaders was following months behind the flying heals of Sir Nascien's horse, Gryngolet, with the red ears, the toll was already taking effect at each stop along the road to Byzantium.

Lacking funds the Heretic Monasteries fell in ruin, their palaces and castles abandoned, and many Heretics in their black, gilt, double brocade robes began to litter the road, begging for a handout. Soon, after a few stops like that in the mountain wilderness of Thiery, the Troop of twenty-five pallid knights on mangy, yellowed mounts and five black, gilded, double brocade robed Prelates and one monk with a long scroll dragging off his ass had added to it seven more Prelates like dressed, an Abbess in distress whose white outer garment was terribly soiled on the back, a samite monger out of work, and two armor burnishers, both dressed in knickers and a kilt with loud green and yellow hatch marks against a red and white square patchwork. One wore a matching tricornu hat; the other had lost his. When not burnishing armor they earned extra pennies
a pittance we know as jesters and comedians.

At the time the comedians were playing a hacked-up story based upon Pyramus and Thisby's thwarted love-tragedy and another based upon the patriotism of a young girl named Anthygonie who disobeys her uncle, King Creon. He had hi-jacked her father's, King Oedipus', throne, sent the blinded king into exile, and then embroiled the kingdom in a civil war, ending up in the death of Anthygonie's two brothers being killed. Since the two brothers had waged war against him and failed, Creon ordered that their bodies be not given a burial and left to rot on the ground. One of the boys was a leader of rebels who spoke out against Creon's tyranny. The young princess gathered his body parts under the cover of the night, and buried him, against the edict of Creon.

Through the gate receipts of these plays the troop of twenty-five armored knights, twelve prelates, one monk with his scroll now dragging behind his tiring ass, an Abbess on a mule, two jesters with rousing colors themselves on braying asses, followed by an assortment of well dressed but overly rouged ladies in a caravan with a torn cover, was able to support itself. Other caravans soon joined the Crusaders and added their thoughts to the Monk's Roll.

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Sir Boor's invasion of Babylon was the first time a Northern European Force was chronicled, attempting to conquer Babylon (and Jerusalem with it), using Ladies in the front of their force. Often the ladies arrived in the next town before the armor and disarmed the foe, as it were, with their wits and charm. Sir Boors was a clever man though he swallowed hook line and sinker King George's agenda and he saw that he could overcome many a fort in his path with the wit and charm of the ladies at his disposal. This strategy was effective until he began descending into the Valleys of Macedonia at Philipston, where he encountered a large troop of well appointed Knights under the leadership of Princess Yuri-rita from the court of Duke Verek, son of the King of Constantinople.

The Unusual Force of Princes Yuri-Rita

The King of Constantinople had been abducted by the King and Queen of Macedonia. Princess Yuri-rita, who was betrothed to Duke Verek, the other son of the King of Constantinople, a descendent himself of King Apelles and cousin of Sir Nascien, had marshalled together a force of 15,000 armored knights, 7,000 bowmen, 18,000 footmen, and a train of support caravans loaded with assault engines and catapults which would have put Cyrus the Great himself to fear.

Leading Princess Yuri-rita's impressive army was a battalion of chariots called Beasties, pulled by strange animals and driven by children! One of these exotic war machines follows...

 Flashing in the midday sun was the familiar Shield of Aravat which Sir Nascien had loaned her. Through it she was able to follow the trail of blood dripping from the chariot of the King of Macedon, as he carried away the King of Byzantium to his capitol city Philipston. Note how she was able to follow the trail: the Shield of Aravat was as a mirror but carried hidden in its covering a white cross against a crimson background or a white unicorn in the place of the cross. The cross was originally traced by the finger of Josephus, the son of Joseph of Arimathaea, when he laid on his death bed. As Princess Yuri-rita followed the bloody trail with her troops many knights outfitted and trained by Sir Nascien himself the white cross would appear. If the bearing was to the left the white cross would appear; the unicorn would appear if the bearing was to the right. It shone like a mirror if the trail led straight ahead. In this manner she was led directly to the castle of the King of Macedonia, as prophesied, as Sir Nascien outlined to her.

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The Princess led her army from a blazing gold, brazen chariot with four white horses on a red halter and a personal guard of twenty silver ensconced chariots. Around them were the small Beasty chariots driven by the children.

Her winged helmet and brazen breasts might have caused her to pass as Athena herself, had one not recognized her purely bluish Exotic shift. The wind chasing through the dog leg passes of Macedonia, as if to push her fleet footed chargers even faster, flagged at her beautiful shift of rosies and posies, floral embroideries and gilded sash. She held a long whip in her right hand and in her left the brilliant red reins to her four white chargers. Behind her and her guard of twenty and the unusual guard of Beasties, rose an enormous cloud over the valley. Were a prophet to have been standing facing that oncoming army he would have fallen on his knees, thinking he faced the Divine Chariot itself.

Suddenly, on the hills, on the far side of the valley, the Princes halted and took up camp. The Macedonian army, which was entrenching itself outside its city, looked as if it held the best position, being on higher ground and behind a marshy area through which the Princesse's army must needfully charge. Sir Boors ordered his small troop to halt as well, on the left side of the valley, to observe the onslaught. The small troop arranged their caravans in a circle, and the ladies pulled up the torn fabric covers so they could sit and watch from the higher perches of the caravans. The armored knights and the finely robed Heretic Prelates all ordered themselves in a row on the bluff below the caravan's wheels, as they began to make merry of, and cast lots on, the disaster to come. It was late summer and their pallid armor and horses near by blended perfectly with the parched landscape which then was suffering from a long drought. Except for a lone sprawling oak tree nearby there was nothing else to shield them on their hidden bluff.

As they were all settled down, they heard trumpets blare behind them and they soon found themselves in the very path of a charging unit of Vulgars who had allied themselves with the Macedonians who had taken occasion to kidnap the King of Constantinople. The Vulgars, however, thought that the entrenchments thrown up in front of the Macedonian City were by Princess Yuri-rita and her heavily armored division. Instead of coming to the aid of his neighbor, the King of Macedon, the Vulgar King brought forth Macedon's destruction.

Seeing the two armies totally routing one another in a final death struggle, Princess Yuri-rita ordered her first battalion of Chevaliers into the field, to draw the armored Vulgars back towards them into the marsh. As the retreating Vulgars spied the oncoming calvary of Yuri-rita, they veered into the marsh, as predicted, and their horses and armor became pitifully bogged down.

The children driving the unusual Beasty chariots pounded their terrible tiny wheels around and around, encircling the marshy area and its captives; and as a knight attempted to escape they would encircle him with a long ball of twine bounding behind each Beasty chariot. Since the Beasties were the fastest, fleetest footed mounts on the field of battle, there was no contest, and the heavily armored knights were tied up in knots as the terrible little Beasties ran circles around them.

After this, Princess Yuri-rita ordered her footmen into the field who promptly cleaned up the remaining resistance and took captive not only the King of Greece and his Queen but also the remnant of their 32,000 man army. She escorted the grateful King of Constantinople and the prisoners, back to Constantinople. The omnipotent King of Constantinople thereafter was not attacked, until King Isaurias and his hordes fell upon the city in 717 A.D., another story.

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The accidental charge of the Vulgar Brigade against Philipston, right through the small encampment of Sir Boors and his twenty-five formidable armored knights, the eleven dark, gilded, double brocade robed Prelates, the monk now on a madly braying ass, the two jesters in their amusing outfits, the samite monger, and a pitiful remnant of the ladies in the caravan (many were carried away in the charge) had a disastrous and demoralizing effect on Sir Boors' company. Much of the armor was ruined--breastplates and swords laid shattered and bent in the pitted landscape left by the Vulgar's charging hooves--so Sir Boors was delayed in his visit to the King of Constantinople in refitting, etc. Fully outfitted and presentable, but before they entered that city, they all kneeled and prayed that no one would know that their small troop was overrun by the Vulgars!

"Not Italian," Yuri-rita said!

How Princess Yuri-rita mastered her wonderful strategy and prowess in the arts of war is a story fascinating but unfortunately too long to tell here. But we will attempt to tell part of it because she married into the family of the Holy Grail and was the grandmother of that famous Paladin of Charlesmagne earlier mentioned whose name is Rogero! She told this part of her tale to Sir Nascien while he wintered at the Summer Palace of the King of Constantinople on the Angel Isles in the Bosphorous.

Rogero, of course, was Italian. His grandmother, Yuri-rita, was of very mixed blood from a Portuguese explorer who was captured in the Seashell Islands on a spice expedition to India; then traded for a stone of curry to the Raja of Balim, and then sold, because of his light skin, as a slave to a sea raider who ruled a Kingdom midst the far western sea. Like Joseph in Egypt, he gained his freedom and became an advisor to the King, named Aloha, of the six Island Kingdom Kokahanahola. His dress then, he said, was a loin cloth and a lovely string of hibiscus flowers around his neck. Later he took the king's daughter to wife, had children, led them on an expedition to Asia. Their son married a half breed Chian and a Portuguese damsel, and they took caravan to Samarkand, and their daughter married an envoy of the Abyssiniad Caliphate, who was the brother of the King of Constantinople and father of this wonderful, dark-haired beauty who was truly of the world--most of the races in her blood, except Italian!

It happens that Sir Caldemoor's mother was of a high-bred Florintine family of Etruscan lineage. Sir Caldemoor had no chance whatsoever when he faced this beauty, and our non-Italian lady instantly grabbed him for herself when she returned from her campaign against the King and Queen of Macedon. From their union came the fabled Rogero!


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Chapter 10

How Sir Boors went mad in Emperor Constantine's Palace, &
how Sir Nascien foiled the Kings of Pansnances' wicked plan

No man perhaps deserves more sympathy for his foolishness than Sir Boors in this part of our history. After having been trampled upon by the charging Vulgars against the King of Macedonia (luckily the scroll of Ogmios of Ocoui--a source of our history--was not damaged) he met an even greater horror in the court of Emperor Constantine IV in Constantinople.

Much of this part of our history involves more prophesy and family details which would no doubt bore others, my well-beloved, but stay with us until the end...

Why the Byzantines Disliked Sir Boors

At the time the Byzantine emperors viewed anyone coming in the name of a western emperor with hostility, since the western emperors were in matter of fact pretenders to the throne of the Roman Empire. Unfortunately, Sir Boors was endowed more with craftiness than common sense and prudence, and this showed the worst in him at the palace of the Byzantine Emperor. We recall how easily his plan to control the Holy Grail, by kidnapping the Princess Anaïs and a Unicorn, was foiled by the Grail Knight Sir Gwain.

This was a time of many, many wars, after the Visigoths under Alaric (in 410.A.D.) sacked Rome and provided an entrance for the movement of other peoples from Russia into the Eastern Empire called then Byzantium. Wave after wave of Goths had been migrating from the Russian Steppes into Europe to meet head on with previous migrations of their relatives: the British, Alemmani, the Angles, the Saxons, the Helvetti, Burgundians, Franks, and Visigoths to name a few, who occupied Western Europe. Many of these who occupied the Flemish territories, Britain and Western Gaul were simply called Belgae, as opposed to their taller, fair haired "German" relatives east of the Rhine who were called Alemmani. The Germans got their name, incidentally, from Julius Caesar who supposed them to be the, germ, the original race, of all the Gauls, since they were taller and fairer haired than the others.

The Emperors of Byzantium referred to all Westerners as Franks, used, perhaps, as we today use the word Vandals; as wave after wave of Vandals, Ostrogoths and Visigoths the Franks to the Byzantine Emperor sacked Rome, and with it the western half of the emperor's Roman Empire. The relationship was expressed in Feudal terms, as an order of rank. Never (until Charlesmagne) could there be a western king who could stand equal in rank--to receive the title of emperor-- to the Emperor of Byzantium.

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Byzantium was the seat of the Roman Empire at the time of Sir Boors' embassy. Two hundred years after Sir Boors' visit, Charlesmagne challenged this leige status of the west to the Byzantine emperor, first through Pope Leo III in Rome and then with the Emperor in Constantinople. Just before his death in 813 A.D. Charlesmagne, through a long negotiation with the Byzantine Emperor Michael, was able to obtain Michael's acknowledgment of him as the Emperor of the Franks (sic. the West).

Along with this concession Michael conceded to the transfer of the city of Venice to Charlesmagne's dominion. Byzantium nay, we say, the Mediterranean world depended upon Venice's strategic position in world trade at that time. The emperor Charlesmagne's influence could not be underestimated by the Byzantine emperors. It is said that the empress Irene, who was on the Byzantine throne at the time of Charlesmagne's coronation, seriously considered uniting the two empires by marrying Charlesmagne. This the Byzantines would not permit, and she was deposed later on and replaced by Michael. We wonder how history might have turned out had Charlesmagne and the empress married. She was a case to beware, for she gained the throne by deposing her own son, Constantine VI!

When Pope Leo III crowned Charlesmagne emperor in 800 A.D. that act officially announced the separation of the western portion of the Roman Empire from Byzantium. After that the Pope did not recognize the Byzantine emperor as the emperor of the Roman Empire. When Charlesmagne was crowned in Rome, here is what the Roman people cried three times:

 "Life and victory to Charles Augustus, crowned by God, great and pacific Emperor of the Romans"

This said it all. Augustus is a title given to Julius Caesar's nephew, who became known in history as Augustus Caesar. His reign was likened to the Golden Age of our history, and he has been remembered as the greatest, most August of all emperors of all time. He was then and is perhaps still regarded as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, a title oriental monarchs, like Nebuchednezzar of Babylon and Cyrus the Great of Persia who conquered Nebuchednezzar's kingdom in the sixth century B.C. enjoyed. That title, incidentally was also given the Messiah in the Book of Revelation. That title was destined, of course, for the Grail King; and Sir Gwain and his protégé, Sir Nascien, were about to give the world a taste of what that thing is.

Back to our story. When Sir Boors arrived in Constantinople, the capitol of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire, there was much rejoicing and weeping. Unbeknownst to him there was a funeral in the works, and all the people were as a mother who had lost her only son! This was an omen of terrible things to come, as it comes from prophesy and originally conveyed the weeping that was done in Egypt when a plague passed over the Pharaoh's empire and took every firstborn son, all because the Pharaoh would not let the Jewish people, whom he had enslaved, leave the land with Moses. After this manner was the weeping in Byzantium when Sir Boors entered the court of Emperor Constantine IV.

Like their Greek and Latin cousins, the Byzantines buried their dead in shaft graves and crypts much as we do now. Only the British heaped mounds over their graves called dolmans as in the manner of the Trojan and Scythian traditions of Anatolia (Turkey) and the Crimea above the Negrepont. We mentioned the similar burial traditions of the British, Trojans and Scythians in an earlier chapter, comparing the burial of Patroclos, the friend of Achilles, to the burial of Scythian kings described by Herodotus.

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According to the British Chronicles, both the Scots and the Picts trace their ancestry to the Scythians, whom Herodotus reported as being red haired and heavily tattooed, as were those people in Scotland and Lothian during the Roman Empire. We mention this because Sir Nascien the Grail King had already arrived at the emperor's palace month's earlier and had been anointed as Magister Officiorum of the Empire, which was something on the order of Mayor of the Palace in the later Carolingian Empire. This title is remembered best through King Pepin of the Franks, who was the Mayor of the Palace under the Merovingian Kings sons of Clovis (Louis) who united the Franks in one kingdom around 500 A.D. From Louis came the tradition of naming the French Kings Louis. By Pepin's time the kings had become titularly heads of the government and the Mayor of the Palace had assumed most of the power over the realm; and the final consolidation of power in the Mayor's office was facilitated with the death of Clothar I, Clovis's last heir.

It had been a practice for kings to divide up their kingdoms amongst their sons, which Charlesmagne himself continued, a factor leading to the downfall of Charlesmagne's Carolingian Empire and even the Byzantine Empire as well. When Clothar I died, the kingdom disintegrated in fratricidal strife; and in the intervening time two Queens, Fredegunde and Brunehilde, ruled with their iron wills respectively over the two factions of the empire called the Austrasian and the Neustrian. We mentioned a story about Brunehilde earlier, as leading to the rise of King George the Rude and his ascendancy to the throne in Quakin-Bush.

Out of this Clothar II, a Neustrian, was restored to the throne but this time with severely limited powers, leaving much of the power of the kingdom in the hands of Pepin the Elder, who was the Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia. Pepin, together with another ancestor of Charlesmagne, Bishop Arnulf of Metz, caused Clothar II to sign a document called the Edict of Paris for the Regnum Francorum in 614 A.D., and from then on the kings, who once had absolute powers, deferred much of their power to the Mayor of the Palace. The title of Mayor of the Palace was inherited from then on by scions (Branches) of Arnulf and Pepin, finally descending to an illegitimate son of Pepin of Heristal, Charles Martel (the Hammer), to whom Pepin of Heristal did not wish to leave his office!, favoring instead his grandson. Charles Martel escaped Pepin's prison and was able to reconsolidate the realm as it was before under Pepin the Elder and placed a puppet Merovingian king, another Childeric, in office. But this is getting a bit ahead of our story, as Charles Martel had not assumed his office at the time Sir Nascien took the like Mayor of the Palace, mentioned earlier as the Magister Officiorum in the Byzantine Empire.

In truth during the time Sir Nascien held his office he was the leader of the entire Roman Empire. The period leading up to Charles Martel, we note, reflects a common feature in history, repeated over and over and now witnessed in our petite histoire on King George of Quakin-Bush. When the system--usually held together by great leadership--breaks down because of poor leadership, horsemen gather at the borders who bring the decaying, usually corrupt and dying, edifice down. We cannot think of any such government which has survived the appearance of the horsemen. In our tale, as noted earlier, one of the horsemen formed against King George le Fou du Quakin-Bush was Sir Nascien himself, galloping, under cloud stirring red hooves, his way on his polished, and shiny black steed, Gryngolet, with the red ears! We mentioned that he had a Balance in his hand! With him was Sir Caldemore the Red Knight on a Red Horse and following them was Sir Boors on his pallid, sickly and sway-backed nag. Sir Boors, of course, was death itself in the form of the worst imaginable plagues. In the short years before Charles Martel, the Saracens were expanding from Arabia east and west to spread God's Word: to Damascus and Byzantium in the east and west to Spain and from there into Regnum Francia!

We shall return to Charles Martel and his great grandson, Charlesmagne, later. We introduce them now so to appreciate the movements underfoot at the time Sir Nascien destroyed the power of the violent and despicable tyranny of King George of Quakin-Bush and his private club called the Seven Kings of Pansnace, who brought so much evil into our world.

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On the Grail King's Powers

From the times of the founder of the Merovingian Dynasty of France by Merovius, the grandfather of Clovis, to Charles Martel (died 741 A.D.), the power of the Frankish kings became steadily weakened, not only due to the aspirations of the men holding the office, Mayor of the Palace, but because of the need of the king to lead his armies in war. While at war, there was a need for a vice-regent to run the kingdom, from which the Mayor of the Palace grew. In Britain this office was called, Le Judiciarie.

Britain also had a King of Kings, like King Arthur, who reigned over a court of Kings at his Round Table. Parallel to this court of the King of Kings, Arthur, who was king himself of Logres, was the office of the Grail King who ruled out of a mysterious castle called the Grail Castle to which all knights of the Round Table were sent in a Quest. All of these, including King Arthur, owed fealty to the Grail King, as he ruled over the line of David and the heirs of the Kingdom of God. He was the great patriarch and secured his office as being the eldest Son of David; and the title as the Patriarch of the Sons of David, called simply the Grail King, began in our romance with Sir Lancelot, the son of King Ban of Benwick, who was the eldest son of King Pelles and most direct heir of Joseph of Arimathaea.

Sir Lancelot, a King, represented, with his younger brother, King Lionel, the Premier House of the Grail. During Lancelot's time Lancelot's uncle, Pellias, was Grail King; but the Grail Crown passed directly to Lancelot's son, Sir Galahad, when the Old Man died. After Sir Galahad the Grail Crown passed to his cousin King Anfortas. From him the throne passed to his nephew, King Parzival, and after Parzival died at the venerable age of 121 years
one year older than Moses himself! the crown passed to Sir Nascien the Swarthy, who was the paternal nephew of Sir Parzival through Gahmeret's bastard son Fierfiez. Sir Gahmeret was also the father of Parzival and was killed in a battle in Babylon.

We mentioned King Galahad's funeral in Sarras earlier, as it was a British funeral, heaping up a barrow with games, unlike those funerals of the region of Sarras and Byzantium.

The first Grail King in our history begins with King David and passed to Jesus the Christ. From him the crown passed to James, the eldest brother of Jesus, who was a high priest and murdered on the steps of the temple just before the Roman General Titus, under his father the Emperor Vespasian, sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. another story. James, called The Righteous, was killed by the other high priests of Jerusalem because he believed that Jesus was the Messiah and said Jesus was the door to everything, or something like that. Because of his belief in Jesus, James the Righteous was lured to the edge of the steps of the Temple and thrown over the side, and someone ran down the steps after him and bludgeoned him in the head as he was still alive and kneeling in prayer. James the Righteous was called St. James the Righteous, since he lived the life of a Nazarite, meaning "separated unto God" (see Numbers 6.1-21), and spent most of his life in the Temple in prayer. His knees, they say, were calloused like the knees of a camel, he spent so much time on them. See Eusebius on this.

After St. James' example and martyrdom many continued his ascetic practices (long a custom among a sect of Jews called the Essenes) and established monasteries in Syria and Egypt. People who lived and prayed in these places were called monks. During the times of Sir Nascien there were already many monastic groups forming in the Western Empire, among whom were the Heretics as we complained earlier.

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Leading the World with Knowledge

The original purpose behind the Monks of the monasteries was to be separated unto God and endure the life of an Ebionite, which we mentioned earlier was the Hebrew word for "poor". The greatest Ebionite of this type was St. Bernard of our later history (1200 A.D.) who started the Cistercian Monasteries, named from a town in France called Citoux pledged to poverty and helped found the Knights Templars whom we must yet mention, as his guidance founded a New World order for mankind. St. Bernard led changes which severely limited the powers of the rich and greedy Heretic Prelates, who saw no good in poverty and are best remembered for their persecutions and extortions of the poor, using the god Antijude, as they continue even to this day. Opposing them is the Grail Crown from St. James and the Ebionites until today, modeled in the Cistercians, with the belief that the Messiah must be regarded as a Servant of God, a man in the flesh, as opposed to the Heretic point of view that he is a god equal to God.

Following the Ebionite point of view, as noted earlier, Mahomet argued through the Koran (dictated to him by the Angels, including Gabriel) that Jesus is the Messiah but not a god who can compete with God, since God would never create a god who could compete with him. This idea was supported with the very conflict between God and Satan, who was the chief archangel of God and the Angel of Light. Satan was so vain he thought to be equal to God, so God threw him out of Heaven. The ancient Heretic Prelate, Slues, didn't appreciate this, as mentioned earlier, and claimed that Jesus did not think it robbery to be equal with God (Slues P.2.6). Using Antijude as a god equal to God, Slues went on to teach that all the Jewish Scriptures
including the prophesies are now old and dead, being superseded by the new god Antijude and his scriptures. Taking a few of Jesus's teachings (only a few can be identified in Slues's teachings), Slues named his disciples the Chosen People and began waging war against all those who did not obey his testimonies. He called the collection of the Jewish Scriptures which created Jesus as the Messiah the Old Testament and the name has stuck ever since. The Ebionites after St. James and other Sons of David, of King Arthur and most of the knights of the Round Table to Sir Gwain and his protégé Sir Nascien, all objected to Slues's Heretical ideas.

The prophesies show and history has followed them that the proof of God would be resolved through prophesy itself, from which the Bible says, "when you see these signs complete, from that day and forward all men will bow down to me and know that I am God!" At the end of his signs are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the great and final battle between God's Wisdom and the wickedness of men. Behind the scenes from the days of David and the prophets (many were his sons!) the Kings of the Grail moved in and out of history. It was believed from the beginning of the Grail History that one day the Grail King Messiah would come (sic. again) and set his throne in Jerusalem and from there establish an eternal Kingdom of God over all the world. His coming would be accompanied with a terrible tribulation, disease and wars, out of which He would establish peace. As the millennium approached the people believed that the Messiah's return would be any moment. And while it is a truth that the turn of the millennium (1,000 A.D.) did not bring forth the King Messiah, nevertheless the Grail King had entered the world, as Sir Nascien, and he had come to organize the world towards the next millennium and its Grail King.

After Sir Nascien the world floated as it were in the growing power struggle between Christianity, Byzantium, the Saracens Islam and a new intruder, the Turks, who finally sacked Byzantium in the fifteenth century and ruled, called the Ottoman Empire, much of the old Roman Empire for four hundred years, until World War I. We see that the power struggle between the western powers never changed from the moment seen at the dawn of our epoch, when Sir Nascien took charge in Byzantium. Then, as now, Byzantium was under siege by the Vulgars (Bulgars and Serbs).

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From the Russian steppes the source of the decline of Rome came the Turks (Ottomans) and their siege of Constantinople; and from the east came the Saracens (Arabs) who themselves were overcome by the Ottoman Empire. Byzantium was the place from which a new world was ordered and again set in place to be the point of a New World Order when the King Messiah of the Grail visits in the next millennium!

In the chessboard before the Grail Kings who moved in and out of history were knights and bishops who contributed to the Grail Order. Among these were St. Bernard, who organized the Templars, a few Popes, and a naive little monk in a long brown robe who carried a long scroll. The Templars were an order which, like the Grail King, passed in and out of history as needed by the Grail to support its plan and its King. They were very powerful men whose power was so great they were forced underground as a result of a purge by St. Louis in the thirteenth century. They have lain dormant ever since, many holding positions of great power in the banking world in particular waiting the time for the next Grail epoch and its king. This is what their tradition imbues in any event.

King George of Quakin-Bush, and his fiendish servant Sir Boors, had no appreciation for anything except their own rules of power: greed and to the strongest go the spoils. It's every man for himself, kid. These are the rules of Hell.

The approach of the Grail is to turn a man's own wickedness back upon himself. We liken this to being caught in the same snare one sets for others. For Quakin-Bush we served their worst dreams back upon themselves. This is the fate of King George and his vile people, and their worst fear was the fear of losing complete control!

This was also the fate of Sir Boors. To appreciate the perplexity of Sir Boor's mission to the emperor of Byzantium, on behalf of his master King George le Fou du Quaken-Bush, carrying a heavy golden signet ring of gems stolen from the Ethelings of West Saxony (of Wessex, another story), we must continue with our description of the conflict between the Heretics and the Sons of David--we may call it a war between the Sons of Darkness and the Sons of Light – after St. James the Righteous (see the Book of James). For Sir Boors had occasion to visit the Byzantine Palace the very moment Constantine's maternal uncle, a Grail Prince of Zazamac, was being laid to rest. Because of the funeral most of the prefects of the empire and the Magister Offficiorum's Agents in Rebus were attending the funeral. The Agents in Rebus were agents who were as much spies as they were tax collectors, judges, etc. They were the hands, eyes, and ears, of the Magister Officiorum.

Charlesmagne would later employ these agents, called Missi in his Western Roman Empire of the Franks. In the eastern part of the empire there were over 1,200 Agentes in Rebus alone. Above them were the Prefects, who were sub-regents of the Emperor, ruling over their portions of the Empire. Under the first Constantine, for instance, the Prefecture of the East consisted of the five departments (dioceses) of Aegyptus, Oriens, Pontus, Asiana, and Thracia (including Egypt with Libya, called Cyrenaica), the Near East and Thrace. The Illyrian Prefecture contained the dioceses of Dacia and Macedonia (Greece and the central Balkans
over which the Vulgars, Avars, Croats, and Serbs were fighting, to the consternation of the indigenous Slavs. The Serbs were horrible at the time, as they were rounding up the Slavs and shipping them off to other parts of the empire as slaves, from which their name is remembered.

The Italian Prefecture was made up of Italy, Latin Africa, Dalmatia, Panonia, Noricum and Rhaetia (where the Hippogriffs roam). The Prefecture of the Gauls contained Roman Britain, Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal, of the Visigoths, now being occupied by the Umayyads mentioned earlier) and Western Mauretania.

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As can be seen, from the eyes of Emperor Constantine and his new Magister Officiorum, Sir Nascien, the emissary of King George le Fou du Quakin-Bush was not welcome for many reasons: King George was attempting to assume equality with the Byzantine Emperor, King George was a patron of the hated Heretics who denegrated the Holy Scriptures, who despised and murdered everyone who did not follow Slues' evil doctrine in worship of the god Antijude and its idols.

How the Emperor Saw Quakin-Bush

The Emperor Constantine IV came from a long line of Roman Emperors, whom we fear to list lest we incur your impatience and wrath, waiting for us to get on with our story. The Emperors always reigned, anointed by God, as mimiced by Charlesmagne shown earlier. This comes from the original Roman practice, from Julius Caesar to his nephew Augustus Caesar, to worship Caesar as a god in his own right. The Roman Senate, of course, always had to approve of any emperor being sanctified as a god. Even the Emperor Vespasian, whose son Titus sacked Jerusalem, was deified in this way, with one of the High Priests of his temple being no less than the famous philosopher Juvenal. The Curia of the Vatican in Rome continued this practice and allowed other men beyond the royal line of the emperors to be sanctified.

Because of the tradition of the Roman Emperors, being as it were themselves as deities, the heirs of the Emperor Constantine, who moved the capitol of the Roman Empire to Constantinople and founded Byzantium in the fourth century A.D., saw their positions on earth as divine. This view was somewhat mitigated by the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine to Christianity.

Now Emperor Constantine the convert was brought to the Christian belief by his wife St. Katherine, who first converted and later built a monastery, which is named after her, at Mt. Sinai.

Originaly a pagan, Emperor Constantine thought himself to be the principal agent of the god, Apollo, who is the Greco-Roman god of Wisdom and Holy Shepherd of men and often shown with a lamb upon his back in his earthly mission (as Jesus himself is often remembered) and driving the divine chariot of the Sun in his Heavenly mission. The early gentile Christian church had difficulty, in fact, separating in their minds Jesus from Apollo.

During Constantine's time the Roman Empire was still flinching from the mass persecutions of the Emperor Diocletian; and after his death the emperor's crown was heavily contested between Maxentius and Constantine, both pagans but thankfully not persecutors of Christians. Constantine at the time of this contest was in charge of Britain and Gaul, leaving the tradition to use his name among later kings of that region which--as you may well have guessed by now--passed to Princess Anaïsfille's father, Constantine, King of France and all the Franks, son of Sir Lionel, King of France, who was the brother of Sir Lancelot, first in the line of the Premier House of the Grail Kings mentioned earlier. Princess Anaïs had exceptional, royal lineage, particularly when we add her mother's lineage through Aleric, the King of the Visigoths another Grail Prince and the King of Aragon, of Castile and a region of France by the Pyrenees. Beyond this and we dare not list it here she was a distant relative of the Emperor Constantine in Byzantium whose Magister Officiorum was none other than Princess Anaisfille's cousin, Sir Nascien the Grail King!

How Emperor Constantine overcame Maxentius and became a Christian is too long of a story to tell, nevertheless it is important to our story, and we can in part sum it up thuswise: Maxentius was holed up in Rome, and with the advance of the legions of Constantine, he marched out of the city only to be defeated in a battle on the Milvian Bridge. Maxentius was drowned.

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Later, in consolidating the rest of the Roman Empire, before a decisive battle with the other contender, Licinius, who held the East, Constantine saw a Red Cross in the sky with the legend, "By this conquer." From this moment he gave up most of his Pagan beliefs and accepted the Christian belief. Over his triumphal arch in Rome he inscribed the decree which from then on would be adopted by his successors: Instinctu divinitatis. This, more than anything, revealed his peculiar relationship to God, calling himself God's Man and the instrument of divine purpose. Charlesmagne, following in Constantine's heals, later assumed this calling for himself.

Emperor Constantine believed God to be the Lord of History ordaining history through his prophets which is that thing served by Sir Gwain and formerly served by Josephus, the son of Joseph of Arimathaea mentioned earlier. In essence, to know God's prophecies is to know history in the making. Knowing this one's own relationship in the contribution to that history must be ascertained. Much of history, in fact, occurred through this process. A great leader consulted the oracles or prophesies, saw himself listed in them, and went on to fulfill those parts which he felt belonged to him. This is true of Nebuchednezzar, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great and Vespasian previously mentioned, who was counseled by Josephus the Jewish historian and High Priest. Josephus was Vespasian's prisoner during the seige of Jerusalem. He showed Vespasian that he must be that Messiah who would come from Judah and rule over the world. Vespasian had begun his march on Jerusalem, handing the command over to his son, Titus, from Judah.

Some say that Vespasian was the Messiah, and many miracles are recorded by him, of healing the sick, etc., but he always denied being the Messiah and made little of his miraculous powers. We can pick many leaders after him in history, some come for evil and others for good who believed they were fullfilling prophesy. Napoleon saw himself and his mission in prophesy. Hitler, more so, believed he had been prophesied before in surprising detail we add and believed he had been sent by God to rule the world and, worse, rid the world of the Jews. So in this way among many ways prophesy has in fact controlled the direction of world affairs. In them are the likes of King George le Grand Fou du Monde whose foolishness is used to bring forth the Light of the Grail. Sir Boors, the Missi du Fou du Monde is, in our history, a mouse enticed to spring the trap!

The Red Cross in the Sky

Emperor Constantine's view of himself encapsulated the very idea of Jesus' kingship of the world, as believed by the early Christians, for like Apollo Jesus was that thing through which God, the Lord and King of history, revealed himself. The symbol of this revelation is in Jesus' Resurrection and Constantine described his understanding of Christianity as the struggle for deathlessness, whereby one reborn in the likeness of Jesus gains eternal life, etc. This is essentially what St. Peter and St. James the Righteous, the brother of Jesus, taught. The crux of the faith rested upon the idea that God had used Jesus as his Servant of Righteousness whose teachings and life would lead one to overcome wicked men (sic. King George of Quaken-Bush and his henchmen), and one's attachment to Jesus' Cross would justify or vindicate oneself from one's sin. The idea here is that Jesus was the Messiah called the Suffering Servant who was designed as a martyr to lead men to God. Seeing the Cross in the Sky, the Emperor Constantine possessed it, and regarded himself as Jesus' Successor. He would vindicate God's Martyrdom, and, being guaranteed by the Cross, he added the title, Victor, to his own name as emperor. This is the same expression seen through the Shield of Aravat Sir Nascien used when Josephus (not to be confused with Josephus the historian), the son of Joseph of Arimathaea, led him against his enemies. The Sign of the Cross would turn all battles into victory and send all contenders into retreat.

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It was the belief in the Resurrection and the Martyrdom or Afflicted Soul of God which became the driving force behind the emperors beginning with Constantine circa 323 A.D., passing on to Charlesmagne in 800 A.D., and then into our own history.

The Cross traces the succession of the Grail and is accompanied with the phenomena of the Afflicted Servant. The tradition of Joseph of Arimathaea and the Cross on the Shield of Aravat, or in the sky, was carried first with Jesus' father, Joseph the Carpenter, who was then the eldest heir of the Sons of David. His affliction was being accused of adultery, as Sir Lancelot was. The crown then passed to Jesus through both his mother and father's line; he was crucified; then it passed to St. James the Righteous his brother, who was bludgeoned to death; then it passed to Simeon, the nephew of Joseph the Carpenter, whose father was Cleophas the brother of Joseph the Carpenter and married to Mary, the sister of the Virgin Mary. Simeon was martyred. In the pattern is the practice of cousins marrying cousins, crowns, even names, passing from uncle to son, etc. The Sons of David intermarried from the days of Jesus to even this day! Poor King Arthur was hit double on this accord, for he bore a child by his own sister as well as having to endure the infamy of his wife Guenevere in an adulterous relationship with Sir Lancelot.

The strengths and failings of King David, who bore a bastard child through Bathsheba, his first general's wife, and Solomon passed through the line as if time itself was frozen. Among all of these patterns, good and bad, was the tradition of the Afflicted King, following the example of King David in the Psalms, whom Jesus exemplified. Jesus, for instance, could read but Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, and Psalm 69 and know that his principal mission as Messiah would be to become that Afflicted King mentioned in those prophesies. While in his first year of ministry he did not have his attentions on this mission, after his cousin, John the Baptist, was beheaded, his mind focused only on his Martyrdom and Resurrection. From the moment of John's death, during Jesus' transfiguration reported by Peter and John, the son of Mary, Jesus thought of little else except to go to Jerusalem and cause the priests to do what they were by law required to do.

By law anyone claiming to be the Messiah, who is false, should be stoned to death. In performing this blasphemy, Jesus had to resort to throwing the tables of the priests over in the Temple which one doing such in this day would lead to jail and even death afterwards, failing the needed response, he pressed the issue of his blasphemy by entering Jerusalem on an ass, as the Messiah was supposed to do, from Bethlehem, Judah (Zech. 9.9), with his disciples leading the way laying in his path palm branches, singing, "Hosanna, blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord" (Psalm 118.26). Now these things, if done today, would be enough to bring certain death, if not by the Jews, by the sons of Islam (note the Sealed Golden Gate). After doing these things, being known as the Son of David, Jesus was arrested and quickly crucified, fulfilling the scriptures he claimed for himself. Since then the Affliction of the King has been the sign of the King Messiah and his Grail Line.

From His Affliction the title of the Grail King always had associated with it a martyr of God, leading all the way to the Afflicted Kings Pellam and Pellium and, of course, King Anfortas. When the Afflicted King is asked, "How did you get your wound?" usually in the Thigh the king would smile with the most wonderful sparkle in his eyes, as did King Anfortas when Sir Parzival finally asked the question...

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After Simeon's death the Crown of David, signified in the Grail Kings, passed into the family of Joseph of Arimathaea, who is believed to be another uncle of Jesus and a High Priest and leader of the Jews. Because of his position and its sensitivity he is the most mysterious character in the Passion of Jesus Christ, and for good reason. Nevertheless the Grail romances remembered that he was born of the highest lineage known to man, meaning, of course, he was a Son of David, as mentioned much earlier in our work. He was a friend of Pilate, and very rich like his fatherbelieved to be the very rich man, Joachim of Nazareth, who married the widow Anna, after her husband (Joachim's brother) died. It was written in the law that one should marry his brother's widow in the event of his brother's death. From Anna and Joachim sprang the Virgin Mary another story.

How the Grail Passed from the Virgin Mary to Joseph of Arimathaea

The Virgin Mary carried the line of David through both her father and mother and was married to the eldest ranking Son of David then known, who was the venerable Joseph the Carpenter, who at first objected to his marriage to the young Virgin Mary, who until the day of their marriage, had been a Temple Virgin, raised by the Priests of the Temple. Among the High Priests was the Virgin's relatives, including the High Priest Zecharias, who was murdered and was the father of John the Baptist. John was a cousin of Jesus on his mother, Elizabeth's, side. John the Baptist was a Nazarite. As noted earlier a Nazarite was a man like John the Baptist who lived in the wilderness, being one who separated himself from society unto God. Originally a Nazarite (see Numbers 6.1 ff.) was known for going into the desert, living on locusts and honey, wearing only animals skins with the itchy hair against their skin (something Sir Lancelot later had to do), not bathing except at the end of their separation, avoiding drink, vinegar and wine altogether, never cutting their hair, and not cutting the corners of their beard (Nazarite women need not meet this part!) during the time of their separation.

Samson was a Nazarite, say the Scriptures and not a Nazarene as Matthew's gospel so erroneously supposed. Although Jesus wore his hair long and did not cut the corners of his beard, he did drink wine and was therefore during that period of his ministry off the wagon as it were and not a Nazarite. St. James the Righteous was certainly a Nazarite and if his knees did not substantiate it his body odor did. They say he never bathed during the entire time he was a High Priest! Yes, a Nazarite coming in from the wilderness after his separation had, on the first order of business in rejoining the community, a hair cut and a bath. Then he or she could have a drink of wine and celebrate his or her rebirth!

It is not certain but highly probable that Zecharias was the son of Simeon the High Priest who raised Jesus in his arms, proclaiming him as the Messiah, saying, "the Lord God told him he should not die until he saw himself the Messiah!" Simeon lived in a place called, Arimathaea, meaning "the heights,"which was a short burro ride outside the gates of Jerusalem. He also had a Garden Tomb on his estate probably an exclusive, high rent area and no doubt his house was near Joseph of Arimathaea's house and the Garden Tomb in which Jesus was laid. It is said that Joseph of Arimathaea's Garden Tomb was near the site of the crucifixion, making it more convenient for the burial of Jesus. He could have been placed in the tomb of his uncle, Lazarus, who only days before vacated his tomb when he heard Jesus' call.The tomb of Lazarus itself was but a short distance outside the walls of Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. No doubt Jesus was carried to Joseph of Arimathaea's Garden Tomb on the Heights for the reasons indicated in the gospel: "It was closest to the crucifixion and there was little time to prepare the body before the Sabbath."

Joseph of Arimathaea and another High Priest, Nicodemus, who followed Jesus in secret, were carrying with the body to the tomb about a hundred pounds of embalming spices
myrrh and frankincense, etc. Apparently, though the gospel reports are conflicting, there was just enough time to lay the body in the tomb and exit, leaving the hastily cleaned corpse covered with a nice linen Shroud and facial napkin. Since it was forbidden to work after the hour the Sabbath begins, the gospels say they left the body unprepared in the tomb, for the ladies to finish the following Sunday morning and the end of the Sabbath. Just the Shroud and the Napkin were in the tomb when the ladies arrived Sunday morning. Concerning this first visit to the tomb there are mixed reports as to angels being on the scene, etc. Later the disciples of Jesus reported that they had seen him alive, the first of which was Mary Magdalene and later Jesus' uncle Cleophas and his son, Simeon. This is the most important part of the Grail Story, since Jesus's deification evolved from the belief in his Resurrection.

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Charlesmagne, assuming the protection and resurrection of the Cross influenced by the Heretics issued a series of decrees stating essentially that anyone who did not believe in Jesus' resurrection, would be put to death. His laws opened the way for the Popes of later centuries to dismember, maim, burn, torture and finally murder anyone who questioned Jesus' divinity.

Before Charlesmagne, through an agreement against idol worship between Pope Leo III (re: his edict in 726 A.D.) and Caliph Jezid II), together with the end of the long war between Constance II and Caliph Muawija, Byzantium and Islam were at rest when Sir Nascien arrived.

Barely a generation later Charlesmagne's new edicts, stirred up by the Heretics, brought a hammer to the head of peace, and since then the world has continued to bleed over Jesus' empty tomb and his statues. Jesus' empty tomb signified that he had been resurrected as he said would happen. According to the Heretics, Jesus was interpreted as the Son of God, a god. Earlier, under Constantine, we recall the Council of Nicaea tried to dispose of this argument and concluded that Jesus is part of a Trinity which is God. Since then the world has been in utter confusion, pledged to mayhem, the gore of battle after battle, to defend the Red and Bleeding Cross in the sky.

As noted, the first reports of Jesus' Resurrection were those of Mary Magdalene and Jesus' uncle Cleophas and his son: that Simeon who inherited the Grail Crown after James the Righteous was bludgeoned to death. Uncle Cleophas and Simeon said a man approached them on the road and walked with them back to Jerusalem. As they were walking the conversation revealed that the man was Jesus! Most of the reports of Jesus's resurrection described a man who did not appear to be Jesus at first, such as Mary Magdalene's encounter with a gardener at the moment she visited the tomb. Strangely, this observation of his resurrection recalls the Biblical perception of the Messiah Resurrected in the Prophets, where he carries a name known only to himself (see Revelation 19.12) and, like the Unicorn, is alone in his work. He says in Isaiah 63.3, "Of the people there was no one with me!" This Messiah Unrecognized and for the most part not seen sets the stage of the Judgment and then, after the Four Horsemen are sent forth, He stands in triumph in Jerusalem to restore the Temple and the Tabernacle.

Ezra 4 talks about this. Again, coinciding with the precept of a Messiah not easily recognized, is the tradition among the Grail Knights of not voluntarily revealing their identity. This created many mishaps, admittedly, since friendly knights mistakenly jousted with each other, sometimes doing quite a bit of hurt because they were so powerful. Many scenes there were of an unhorsed, despondent knight, bleeding profusely with battered helmet in hand and shoulder armor cleaved to ribbons, looking up at the victor over him who turned out to be his own brethren and friend in the Quest of the Holy Grail! Had they recognized one another before their encounter surely they would not have fought! Then tears would flow as profusely as the blood. But all this was done in honor of maintaining humility as opposed to the likes of King George and Sir Boors who operated with the greatest amount of vanity which would eventually hook them in their jaws and drag them, braying, to their undoing.

Although Jesus was born of a simple carpenter, the rich inheritance of his family from Joachim, following primogeniture, passed through Joseph of Arimathaea. The Grail Crown, however, likes to pass through maternal channels, and passed through the Virgin Mary because of her eldest position in the line, being the firstborn of Joachim and Anna. Next in line were Joseph of Arimathaea, Mary, the wife of Cleophas who was married to the brother of Joseph the Carpenter, Martha, and Lazarus. Lazarus was that uncle of Jesus who was believed dead over three days and raised by Jesus from the tomb in Bethany as noted earlier.

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Looking at this family we can see how the Grail was passed on: First through Jesus because Joseph the Carpenter was the eldest ranking son of David at the time of Jesus' birth and his wife, the Virgin Mary, ranked equally high, perhaps higher in the line through both her father and mother. Jesus, being the first born of Mary, then took the Grail Crown and being childless the crown then passed to James the Righteous, the second son of the Virgin Mary, who was High Priest of the Temple and bludgeoned at the Temple Steps, as previously mentioned. Both the Virgin Mary and her sister Mary held the Grail Crown through both houses of mother and father, as mentioned. This is the Premier House of the Grail of James the Righteous, who, as said, was a Nazarite like John the Baptist, and had no children. Upon his death the Grail Crown passed to Simeon, the firstborn son of Cleophas and the Virgin's sister Mary. This is the Second House of the Grail, since it also carried a double lineage of the eldest Sons of David.

As noted earlier, Simeon's father was the younger brother of Joseph the Carpenter; his mother, Mary, the younger sister of the Virgin Mary. Simeon was martyred, as mentioned, ending the line of the Second House of the Grail and the Grail Crown then passed back to the Third House of the Grail, of Joachim, the Rich Merchant of Nazareth and Holy Grandfather of Jesus. His son Joseph of Arimathaea (we believe) assumed the Grail Crown and he was related, with the Virgin Mary, to Elizabeth, the wife of Zechariah the High Priest. The gospels say that Elizabeth and the Virgin Mary were first cousins and at the time the Virgin conceived Jesus, John the Baptist was already six months in the womb and, they say, John leaped in his mother's womb when Mary entered Elizabeth's House in Bethlehem. This argues against abortion, of course, since Jesus was then only a few weeks in the womb.

All of the Sons of David count Bethlehem as their home, as the first Grail King David, son of Jesse, was born there. As mentioned earlier, according to the prophet Zachariah the Messiah would be born there and ride into Jerusalem on an ass, which Jesus accomplished in part. In most cases, though many of the Sons of David moved to Nazareth, like Joseph the Carpenter's family and Joachim's family, they all were born in Bethlehem. Because of a census and a tax in the Roman Empire upon Judah, Joseph the Carpenter took his betrothed and pregnant bride, the Virgin Mary, to Bethlehem, where she there gave birth to Jesus.

The Conception of Jesus

The controversy of the Virgin Mary giving birth out of wedlock was not well received and must be reserved as another story, poorly told, and were it not for Isaiah's prophesy of the Messiah being born out of wedlock before Israel is scattered (Isaiah 7.14), the story of the Virgin Mary's controversial conception might not have been remembered. Ordinarily, according to the Law of Moses, a girl who conceives out of wedlock is stoned to death and the man who violated her and her family's good name is also stoned to death. At issue as to the innocence of such a girl is whether she was raped in a field. If she were raped in a field, then her cries for help could not have been heard; and she would be considered innocent. If raped in the city she and her suitor would be stoned to death.

In either case the father of the unwelcome child a bastard would be stoned to death. How Joseph the Carpenter escaped this condemnation is a story which has been lost, owing to the ignorance of those who tossed the Old Jewish Scriptures to the wind and actually discouraged discussions about the Scriptures (called the Law). Had the followers of Slues the Heretics who destroyed the credibility of God not been so vigorous in persecuting the Jews and their Law we might have been able to tell you more of this story, how Joseph the Carpenter escaped death by stoning and why the earlier Gospels of Jesus assume Joseph the Carpenter to be Jesus' real father. Since both Matthew and Luke trace Jesus' lineage to David through Joseph the Carpenter, it follows that the idea of Mary's Immaculate Conception had not soaked into the minds of the early Christians and remained yet to be opined. The Heretics, having tossed the Jewish Scriptures aside, had no appreciation for Truth and, to justify Jesus as their god called Antijude, they came up with a scenario showing Jesus a god being born directly by a communion with God and the Virgin Mary. This issue then led to the great Controversy of the Son of God over which since that day millions upon countless millions, serving man's Vanity, not God's, have died which did not get resolved until the Council of Nicaea called by Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D.

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The Scripture above noted does not call for an Immaculate Conception, only that a maiden gives birth to a son before the dispersion of Israel. A maiden in the English language is an unmarried girl and all uses of the term in Greek and Hebrew have always rendered the intent of that small prophesy in Isaiah 7.14 to mean an "unmarried girl." Such a person was brought into King David when he was on his death bed, and that example alone points the way to the intentions of Isaiah's scripture on the Maiden and her son Immanuel. At issue in this verse is an unwanted son! By the Scriptures the Law she would be taken before a court and questioned whether she conceived Immanuel in a field or in the City. The birth of such a son is by Scripture the most controversial presentation of a Messiah one could imagine.

History before then, and since, has been full of illegitimate heirs who have entered the world and changed it. We mentioned Charles Martel, for instance, who was the illegitimate child of Pepin. Underlying this theme, in the Scriptures involving David, is the child of Bathsheba and David who was born out of wedlock, as a result of which Bathsheba's husband was murdered to purge the sin of adultery! This son may have been Solomon, although the scriptures say the child died soon after his birth as was prophesied by the prophet Nathan. Nevertheless, at the time of David's death Bathsheba feared the people would kill her and her heir Solomon, and no doubt from this, possibly illegitimate heir, was modelled the Messiah. Here God chose the least legitimate heir for his Kingdom, as He earlier did with Jacob and David. He follows the impossible path: of raising the lowly, as He did with David, and lowering the high and the mighty like King George. How God would be able create in the Flesh His Messiah is beyond me, and perhaps the Immaculate Conception is in the end a fathomable way of understanding it. Killing each other over something we ourselves can't comprehend in the creation of the Messiah just does not make common sense.

By the time of the Council of Nicaea the Heretics had confused things so much there was no one who understood the background behind the Maiden mentioned in Isaiah 7.14. They had abandoned the study of the Law and essentially invented a vision of God, the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost), having intercourse directly with the Virgin Mary to conceive Jesus, thereby offering a further argument why Jesus is God. The verse at issue is Matthew 1.20, saying, "for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." I would argue that since God is everywhere, ineffable, He is in all of us. Some get a greater portion of Him. Thus, Jesus taught the importance of being one with God, the Father," and He described it by allowing His Holy Spirit to abide in you, as the Spirit abides in Him. Had the Heretics followed this teaching the controversy of Jesus' Divinity would not likely have been raised in my opinion. It is suffice to say that the birth of Jesus out of wedlock, becoming "a man whose beauty and comeliness would not be desired," yet known by his act in fulfilling those prophesies in Isaiah 53, Psalms 22, and 69 mentioned earlier, was followed by the destruction of Jerusalem and the scattering of the Jews. Instead of simply maintaining the record of such a man as did appear in Jesus at the specific time, the Heretics destroyed much of the evidence by turning from the facts at hand and persecuting the Law of Moses and those who followed it. Worse, the Heretic's version of the Scriptures didn't hope on the Salvation of Man and the creatures of this planet, but rather looked to being taken up to Heaven whilst the earth and all on it are consumed in fire.

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They forgot about the rainbow mentioned by Noah which God set as a Promise to all mankind:

Gen. 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Gen. 9:14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,
Gen. 9:15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Gen. 9:16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the
everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

At issue in this Covenant is the Promise of Life not death. Jesus pursued this argument and Covenant, that though there will be tribulation on the earth as prophesied, His Second Coming would be to bring life and life more abundantly, and he spoke of Eternal Life. Whosoever believed in Him and did what He said would have it. This follows the thesis of the Unity of the Spirit of God. His Spirit is Eternal and if you are one with it, your spirit will be the same. Stay with me on this. There is Hope in the Salvation of the earth and its creatures.

Anyway, back to the controversy over Jesus' Divinity. There were two sides to it. On the one side, called the Arian, was the opinion that Jesus is the Messiah and, as the Messiah, is the Son of God, but the Son of God is not a god in the sense that he is coequal to God, as he was created as a creature of God along with all of God's other creatures; being a creature--more so a Servant of God--he cannot compete with God (re: the controversy with Satan). At the opposite end of the argument was the distortion that Jesus is the Son of God and a god in his own right, Antijude, capable of obfuscating the Scriptures of God as he sees fit, and believes that anyone who honors the Old Testament Scriptures is condemned of God.

The Continued War over Jesus' Divinity

When Sir Nascien entered the court of Constantinople several centuries after Constantine's Council of Nicaea, the controversy of Jesus's divinity was still going on and about to boil over as the Saracens pushed further into Europe and against Byzantium.

Bringing it to a head was a continuing war with the Mahometans out of Damascus under the Caliph Muawija, who was that leader mentioned early in our history who contested Caliph Ali's leadership of the Islamic religion. Ali was a nephew and son-in-law of Mahomet, the prophet who wrote the Koran at the direction of the Angels of God. The controversy over Ali's succession to Mahomet involved no less the endless issue of primogeniture, of inheritance passing through the eldest male heirs. Caliph Muawija and others contested Ali's succession (whose inheritance was through Mahomet's daughter) and believed the succession should have passed through the male line of the sons of Hashim, Mahomet's uncle. Sir Nascien himself was caught in the middle of Ali's assassination and whisked quickly to his uncle among the Umayyads and eventually ended up in Cordova, Spain. From here he and his uncle went on a mission to the north of Spain and were over-run by vandals and taken captive. Sir Gwain later freed Sir Nascien at the Monastery of the Heretics.

Sons of Uncles Converging to Save the World

In a manner of speaking we can see exactly at the time of Sir Boor's visit to Constantinople the convergence of the heirs of Mahomet and the Grail, the Sons of David, in the same place and along the same lines. The succession of both lines had passed back through the Uncle! Here we find Muawija, a descendent of Mahomet's uncle, Hashim, ascending to the leadership of the world of Islam (becoming then the budding Arab empire) after Ali was martyred; and at the same time Sir Nascien, a relative of Ali, entered history as the chief administrator of Byzantium and Grail King from Jesus's uncle Joseph of Arimathaea; the two meeting we are awed to say at the Bosporous to settle the differences of their world! One meeting was all it took! No blood, no tears!

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Sir Nascien's Miraculous Touch

It is true that Sir Nascien was not only raised in the faith of Islam, after Ali, but also an Ebionite after James the Righteous. Because of his faith he was a Jew, he defended the Scriptures as a Son of David must do, and, at the same time and most importantly, he knew Jesus as the Messiah and Servant of God. He knew that getting caught up in trying to define the Messiah as something other than listed in the Scriptures would only lead to confusion and was quite willing to enter his understanding of Jesus simply as the Koran put it: as the Messiah. One need not argue over what it is; one need only read all the Scriptures which speak of him.

He and Caliph Muawija's successor (the Caliph had died by then and the long wars he had with the Emperor Constantine's father, Constance, had now faded with the assumption of Constantine IV). The appointment of Sir Nascien as the Magister Officiorum simply facilitated an easy reconciliation of the Byzantine Christian world to the Islamic World, both agreeing to leave the definition of the Messiah as it is stated in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. For it is a truth that the Grail Kings and their Ebionite faith could not object to the precept of the Koran "to confirm the Scriptures and Jesus as the Messiah." The Messiah is an unusual and extremely well detailed creature (note the complexity of the Unicorn as another symbol of that creature) in the Scriptures; and the Sluesian Controversy of Jesus as another god who could compete with God and obfuscate His Scriptures simply destroyed one's ability to understand the Messiah and his beauty! On this both the Caliph and Sir Nascien were quick to agree. Truly, these parties saw eye to eye; and much killing which had been going on over this issue, led by the Heretics killing everybody, ceased for a time in Byzantium. Elsewhere, wars and persecutions continued being scruffed up by King George in Quakin-Bush and among his allies the Seven Kings of Pansnance, since they were far away from the front and beyond the grasp of reason.

Sir Boors Finally at the Court

Sir Boors entered the court of Byzantium after his somewhat embarrassing encounter with the Vulgars when they attacked the King of Macedonia.

It is argued that King George's Prime Minister, Gory Vitellus, should have accompanied Sir Boors to the palace of the Byzantine Emperor, Constantine IVnot to be confused with his forefather Constantine the convert, the Victor of the Cross. We believe, however, that had Minister Vitellus, who was known for his detailed commentaries on books he never read, accompanied the unholy mission to Byzantium he would have made a greater mess of things than the vile king's servant, the fiend Sir Boors, actually produced. For instance, he never read the Bible or its Koran, but he was quite an expert on them and, knowing the way he vainly presented his expertise, he would have looked down his nose at the Caliph of Damascus and offended him with his point of view: "how God charged King George to bring Peace because of a Red Cross he had seen in the sky," etc.

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Gory Vitellus continued to daily visit the lip of the Cave of the Harpies in Quakin-Bush, peeping into the gaping mouth down upon his disenchanted and obnoxious King George, who was covered in Harpy Dung, with every filth, itch and disease ever known to man. King George--through a ruse set up by Sir Gwain, following the order of prophesy tumbled head over heals into the very pit he had used to hurt others, and being out of commission, Prime Minister Gory Vitellus now held the reins of the Kingdom, allowing the next set of prophesies to enter:

 The kingdom will be attended with great tranquillity when the great one will soon be fleeced..
The speedy prelate deceived by ambition, he will think that nothing is too great for him. He and his messengers, completely trapped..

In the sacred temples scandals will be committed, they will be thought of as honors and praiseworthy. By one whom they engrave on silver, gold and medals; the end will be in very strange torments.


Those who were in the kingdom for knowledge will become impoverished by a royal change. Some exiled without support, having no gold, neither learning nor the learned will be held of much value.

Ogmios will approach great Byzantium, the barbarian league will be driven out. Of the two laws the pagan one will fail, barbarian and freeman in perpetual struggle.


The Church of God will be persecuted, and the holy temples will be pillaged; the mother will put out the child, naked in a shift. The Arabs will ally with the Poles.


The copies of gold and silver inflated, which after the theft were thrown into the lake, at the discovery that all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt. All scrips and bonds will be wiped out.


after a prolonged war the army will be paid with pieces of leather instead of gold and silver coins.

Playing into the Hand of Prophesy

King George jumped right into the hand of prophesy, and now the prophets need only wait for his debt to glut his power. This would depend upon Gory Vitellus who would exhaust the kingdom's resources trying to save his King! After the glut the world could then rest. This is the direction that was leading Sir Nascien.

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Sir Nascien knew, because of the vicious back biting normal to King George's administration, that Peace in that Kingdom and the reins of corruption King George held depended upon King George's Redemption. Gory Vitellus and his cohorts needed the King of Evil, as it were, back out of the pit in order to maintain some kind of order among the backstabbing disciples. It seems odd but no man more than Gory Vitellus knew that even the most evil designs can fail without some kind of order.

Rude King George, who was the world's greatest debtor, believed that he was chosen by the god Antijude to rule over the world. A Red Cross had been reported in the sky over Britain recorded even in the Chronicles and he claimed that the Cross belonged to him, that he should go into the world and conquer with it on his shield. Following this sign he started a castle in Brittany, intending to occupy Provence using it as his base which he never completed and finally resorted to a war with the short-lived king of Babylon called Nebuchednezzar II to avoid hs European debts. As with Rude King George, Nebuchednezzar II, a Saracen, believed he was sent by God to spread God's Word, justifying a mission of mayhem and murder in the extension of his domain. This is all the "glut" needed to feed upon: two men who believed God had sent them to bring ruin to the other, destroying the world in the process!

King George used his debt to the Kings of Europe to facilitate a conspiracy under the direction of the Seven Kings of Pansnance they could raise an army in a pinch of time who sent an enormous army into Babylon and destroyed over 200,000 men, women, and children. The world was aghast at the number of civilians, 100,000 or more, who were murdered in such a short space of time. As for the Babylonians, the people saw themselves and their leader, like Ali, a martyr for God; and the stage was now set for God's revenge, into whose trap Sir Boors was leading his small mission. Sir Boors' design, using King George's magnificence and glory from the gore of Babylon, was to stir up the Emperor of Byzantium against all the Arab, Mahometan peoples. He would use the emperor as a scapegoat against King Nebuchednezzar II (whom Sir Boors planned to murder), after which the remaining Arab domains would be divided and subjugated.

What petty reasons drive the world! It is true, Sir Boors was on his way to Byzantium to accomplish his scurrilous designs in hope that he would redeem King George, for the people would come to respect King George again after the murder of Nebuchednezzar II. After the subjugation of Arabia, Gory Vitellus supposed that he, the Mayor of the Palace of King George, would control the world. This depended upon the success of Sir Boors, whose original motive leading to King George's fall was to secure the Holy Grail and with it control the world! What a crazy mixed up mess these dim-witted men had gotten themselves into, each trying to use the other to control the world.

Sir Nascien, the protégé of Sir Gwain, was far ahead of Sir Boors he never had a chance and his fate in the matter would only add to further embarrassment of King George and all the Seven Kings of Pansnance, as was prophesied:

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Isaiah 52.15 ..the kings shall shut their mouths at him: for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider.

Luke 22.25 ..upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring

Odes of Solomon 41.8 All those will be astonished that see me..

Psalm 72.11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.

72.12 For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.

9.17 The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God.

7.16 His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall fall on his own pate.

 Ezra 4 [Messiah] will reprove the nations that have come for their ungodliness, and the rebukes are like a storm and will reproach them to their face with their evil thoughts and with tortures with which they are destined to be tortured like flame. Then he will destroy them without labor by the Law, which is like fire..

..wherever the voice went out of his mouth, all that heard his voice melted away as wax melts when it feels fire.

Isaiah 29.14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.

29.16 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay..

Ezekiel 36.31 Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loath yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations. 

Watching for Wisdom

At the core of all prophesy is God's Wisdom. Rooted in the Messiah and His Grail, engraved in his soul, as it were, being as prophesied:

the engraved rod [branch]

Sir Nascien knew that Wisdom would bring King George le Fou du Monde to his knees, and when he is brought down so will come the other kings holding on to him and his corrupt fingers.

While the things we have discussed heretofore seem somewhat complicated, no doubt a sharp mind will see that the precepts of the story were engaged through a rather simple premise. King George would be outwitted [by his own vanity] and the poor, whom he persecuted, through Sir Nascien would be saved without his having to draw so much as his mighty Sword of Aravat. The weapons Sir Nascien carried were engraved in his heart, and they were things so shocking men would be astonished and fall back when they hear them! Revealing what he knew would simply bring the wicked into an arena where they would destroy each other, as in the case of the Midianites and Gideon. The wonder in all this is not only what Sir Nascien knew but how he brought forth his wisdom. Sir Nascien was a thing the world had not seen and and was fast--like a Unicorn!

Sir Nascien's horse, Gryngolet with the red ears was more fleet footed than Sir Boors' motley steeds, and with Sir Nascien's engraved knowledge and holy blood from both Christian and Saracen worlds Nebuchednezzar II never had a chance. Sir Nascien's mission, as mentioned earlier, was to confirm the Promise made in prophesy that Nebuchednezzar would be raised up and reign in prosperity in the Last Days, but more significantly to point out the other side of the prophesy condemning those who hurt the Jews.

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For the Prophets also stated:

that in the Last Days God would take his wrath out against all those who had persecuted My People Israel.

Nebuchednezzar II had been persecuting the Jews as well as other peoples in the Kingdom of Babylon. His position, with respect to Bible prophesy was precarious. Simply put, if he repented of his hostility to the Jews, his Kingdom of Babylon would be saved; if not it would be destroyed and he along with it. If Nebuchednezzar II sincerely believed he was resurrected by God to inherit the estate of Nebuchednezzar, Sir Nascien knew the king must also pay heed to the other Scriptures from which his resurrection was determined. As noted the strategy of the Holy Grail is to follow the path of understanding, rather than bloodshed.

The evidence Sir Nascien owned would easily coax Nebuchednezzar to change. He could point to Rude King George, who was wallowing in his own pit he made for others (worse than death!), and look Nebuchednezzar in the eye, saying, "King George's fate can be arranged easily for you ..."

It was prophesied that King George would be trapped alive in his own pit, so Sir Gwain merely thought of a plan which facilitated that prophesy, using King George's Vanity as the hook which would drag him to the trap.

The trap was a left over illusion from the Giant Ysbadden's pouch of illusions, which was of a castle being built in the sky by children riding upon eagles. King George's Vanity served the illusion well; and seeing a castle being built in the sky to his honor (over the gaping mouth of the terrible Cave of the Harpies), Rude King George quickly rode in his finest chariot to the cave. As the children on eagles were begging for more lamelablanche stones to be catapulted up to them, the blinded king was pummeled in the nape of his neck from a chip off the stone fired into the sky to the children. Holding the nape of his neck he tumbled into the cave's slimy mouth.

Nebuchednezzar II, the other arch-villain in our drama now unfolding, was no less vain. Was he not like King George a self-professed servant of that god Antijude who hates at will?

Sir Boors was by far the most vain and by this measure the most shallow of them all, so he was far easier to trap. Following the typical path of evil, as best illustrated by King George's own murderous tyranny, Sir Boors contrived a mission to slay Nebuchednezzar II. Sir Nascien had already been working ahead of Sir Boors to save Nebuchednezzar's life (because of the prophesy weighing against him of Deuteronomy 30.7) through a simple meeting of understanding. When Sir Boors arrived at the palace of the Emperor Constantine his reception, as introduced in this part, was not warm. He represented a usurper of the crown of the Western Empire, who was a murderer of many Mahometans of the Islamic faith. Let's face it, Sir Boors and his king were in all respects barbarians. The only ones in his party who were given any notice by the guards at the gate were the overly rouged ladies in the ripped caravan and the witty Abbess whose shift had been soiled on the back side.

There was a funeral going on of a Grail Prince, a relative of the Emperor Constantine and Grail King Nascien; and many, many administrators were there to attend the ceremony which lasted then about a week. During that period there were jousts and celebrations in honor of the deceased prince.

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Sir Boors' Madness

Seeing Sir Boors' motley troop approaching the city of Constantinople, Sir Nascien, in all his prudence, ordered that all 1,200 of his Agents in Rebus receive the embassy of Sir Boors, one at a time. Each would process him and his troop through the gate of the palace.

There was never in the history of man such a succession of stamps and seals, cylinders and rings, laid to so many documents to cover one Visa!

It is true, that the Emperors of Constantinople were by nature a haughty bunch (because of their divine lineage), and it was not unusual for a merchant or an embassy to wait for as much as a year or more to gain access to the Emperor. In Sir Boors' case it was estimated that if all the Agents in Rebus and their Prefects were to apply the appropriate papers, documents, stamps and seals to Sir Boors' Visa eight hours a day every day it would have taken two months to process him to see the Emperor. As it was it took about a year, sufficient time, we add, for things to cool off in Babylon. People are not as rushed in the Orient as is demanded in Quakin-Bush.

When Sir Boors reached the court of Constantine it was a time of great rejoicing, because a new treaty with Damascus had been signed. He was vain enough to believe, however, that the rejoicing was in favor of his own embassy from the great and mighty King George of Quakin-Bush.

Sir Boors had come well prepared, having added scribes and artists to his delegation, in addition to the well attired and overly made up ladies, starving Heretic Prelates and Ogmios of Ocoui dragging his staggering ass under the weighty load of the Scroll to the memory of dead Abbot Wilifright; which now unrolled was beginning to resemble a chronicle more than a collection of wits and quips and rubrics to the memory of a great leader. When they were all settled down to their chambers, suddenly Sir Boors' peace was interrupted by confusion (which caused his lower canines to raise above his lower lip). On the other side of the palace from his chamber was a wall lined with grieving Greek women in black hooded robes. The witness of this bevy of mourning Greek women in their black hooded robes is an event most people would choose to do without. They wail and howl with vengeance! It's as if they intend to make God so uncomfortable with their noise he will repent and order the dead soul to be returned to life! The small troop of Sir Boors was unfortunately billeted in the rooms adjoining those distraught ladies, who, as most court mourners in those days, were hired for the occasion. When they left the wall their mourning continued in the chambers adjoining to Sir Boors. As said the mourning lasted about a week, leaving poor Sir Boors nearly mad we might add. He had to be drugged, and in a few days he was bound in a padded cell so he would not hurt himself any more.

For the time being, two madmen who thought to rule the world were safely out of the way. While in captivity both men King George in his pit and Sir Boors in his madhouse had some time to reflect on how they were falling to such a sorry state of affairs. Little did Sir Boors know, of course, that the week of madness would be followed with nearly a year of sitting idle, having to endure the now repetitive ruminations and condemnations of repentant Ogmios of Ocoui in addition to his more vituperative, braying ass.

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Ogmios of Ocoui was one of those people who is easy to get along with except when his nerves are shot. You know the type, "the I told you so kind." They are afraid to offer their advise in any case, and when their life tumbles into the pit they begin to feel daily remorse in not having said something to prevent from being led into the pit. After being led into the pit they turn their wrath against those closest to them and they nag, nag, nag, drawing up the issue day after day, week after week and month after month. He nagged about the mountains, when they had to sell their clothing to cross over the pass, descending naked into the valley of Vienna. His trampled pride when the Vulgars over-rode their camp became another major issue. After weeks and weeks of this Sir Boors became catatonic and spent most of his time sitting in a corner with his hands on his head and staring into space. After that Ogmios of Ocoui became the main spokesman of the delegation from Quakin-Bush and the Seven Kings of Pansnance.

How the Poor Were Getting Along

 We speak of the poor of Quakin-Bush, of course. Among the Byzantines and even more particularly among the Saracens and the Barbarian invaders pushing at the door of Constantine IV--the Vulgars, Serbs, Croats, approaching Turks, etc.there were standards of Human Decency. In the Christian world apart from the Heretics who were far from Christian though they supposed themselves as such there was always the admonition to care for the Poor from Jesus first, the Law, and more particularly the first twelve Psalms. There was no doubt in Christian minds that the Kingdom of God was first dedicated to caring for the Poor.

The Ebionites and later the Cistercians and the Saracens (Mahometans) led in the caring for the Poor. Even today, were you to enter the world of Islam, you would not find surely it would be a rare circumstance a homeless person or beggar on the street. As noted in an earlier part of our work, in Mecca, where the poor are most noticeable in their pilgrimage, the Koran has provided for them.

In Quakin-Bush there were no rules, no standards, except greed. The numbers of the poor mounted, and as Rude King George began defaulting on his debts (He was the world's greatest debtor and Gory Vitellus could now no longer make the interest payments) more and more public services were curtailed, causing the few over-burdened institutions left to collapse. The annual interest debt alone was equal to half of the annual taxes, leaving only enough money to pay off his Mayor of the Palace, Ministers, Prefects, and Missis, who by then were even spying on King George's family! Needless to say, the masses of the poor camped outside the city and now littering most of the Inner City streets in and around the Palace were heaping up in unconscionable numbers.

The fight to survive within the Kingdom of Quakin-Bush became more desperate, sifting lands, properties, and titles from freemen to the corrupt. They reached a point, in fact, when the freemen--lacking food-- began signing over their properties in hope that they might remain in King George's estate as serfs (slaves).

In Quakin-Bush the people who still had money continued to ignore the poor, as they fought ever the more harder to grab what they could for themselves. But the fourteen course dinners in the palace were cut down to ten on behalf of Skinny King George who was then fasting.

Sir Gwain continued studying his Bible in the Cave of the Unicorns and writing at his Captain's Table, while Sir Nascien and Sir Caldemoore did their work.

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In our next small book, lifted from the chest of Merlin, we shall enter the unusual world of King Nascien and his Queen, Anaïs de Benwick, and learn why it is prudent to attend to the needs of the Poor. In this discussion we shall explain more about the meaning of Isaiah 58.10 concerning the Afflicted Soul and what he represents. We shall also discover what happened to Ogmios of Ocoui and muse over the unusual courtship of Sir Caldemoore and his exotic, brazen breasted lady Yuri-rita and how the Shield of Aravat passed to their descendent Sir Rogero, who himself occupied the Cave of the Unicorns. From here we can better explain how La Verbe visited the Franks and how from the loins of Queen Anaïs Le Grand Monarch was born and what happened then.


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